PT Modernland Realty Tbk | PT Modernland Realty Tbk | |
Piagam Direksi merupakan pedoman kerja dan kode etik yang berlaku bagi seluruh anggota Direksi PT Modernland Realty Tbk (“Perseroan”) dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Piagam Direksi disusun mengacu pada Visi, Misi dan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan serta ketentuan, peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, khususnya Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 32/SEOJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka; | The Board of Directors Charter (BOD Charter) is a work and ethical guideline that is applicable to all members of the Board of Directors of PT Modernland Realty Tbk (“the Company”) in conducting their duties and responsibilities. The Board of Directors Charter has been established by referring to the Vision, Mission, and Articles of Association of the Company and the prevailing laws, regulations, and rules, in particular the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 on Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies, and OJK Circular No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 on Guideline for Governance of Public Companies. | |
Piagam Dewan Komisaris mengatur terkait Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab, Wewenang, Peran dan Fungsi, Ketentuan Umum Jabatan Anggota Komisaris, Masa Jabatan, Asas dan Etika Kerja, Rapat dan Pelaksanaanya, Laporan, Kerahasian dan Informasi Orang Dalam, Transparansi, Self Assessment, Tata Kerja Hubungan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta Ketentuan Lain. | The Board of Directors Charter stipulates the Role and Function of the Board of Directors, Structure and Membership, Term of Office, Principle and Code of Conduct, Duties and Responsibilities, Meetings and Conduct of Business, Report, Confidentiality and Insider Information, Performance Evaluation and Self Assessment, and Miscellaneous Provisions. | |
Peran dan Fungsi Direksi menjelaskan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi yang dilakukan dengan itikad baik, prinsip profesionalisme dan kehati-hatian (prudent) serta patuh terhadap seluruh perundang-undangan dan/atau peraturan yang berlaku serta standar perilaku yang berlaku di dalam Perseroan (Code of Conduct) serta nilai-nilai etika umum maupun khusus serta prinsip pengelolaan Perseroan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance). | The Role and Function of the Board of Directors section stipulates the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors conducted in good faith, with professionalism and prudence as well as compliance with all the prevailing laws and regulations and the code of conduct applicable within the Company and other general and specific ethical values and the principles of Good Corporate Governance. | |
Ketentuan Umum Jabatan Anggota Direksi menjelaskan komposisi dan persyaratan dan kriteria teknis yang dapat diangkat menjadi anggota Direksi Perseroan sesuai ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku di pasar modal. | The Structure and Membership section stipulates the composition and requirements and technical criteria for appointing members of the Board of Directors of the Company in line with the prevailing rules and regulations in the capital market. | |
Masa jabatan menjelaskan proses seleksi dan nominasi, masa tugas dan rangkap jabatan yang diperbolehkan bagi anggota Direksi. | The Term of Office section stipulates the selection and nomination processes, term of office, and concurrent positions allowed for members of the Board of Directors to hold. | |
Asas dan Etika Kerja menjelaskan fungsi dan kewenangan Direksi yang wajib dilakukan dengan itikad baik dan menjunjung tinggi independensi, obyektifitas, integritas, dedikasi, professional, kompetensi, komitmen dan konsistensi, mendorong penerapan prinsip good corporate governance dan mematuhi semua perundang-undangan dan/atau peraturan yang berlaku serta menjaga agar tidak terjadi benturan kepentingan. | The Principle and Code of Conduct section stipulates the functions and authority of the Board of Directors that must be carried out in good faith and by upholding independence, objectivity, integrity, dedication, professionalism, competence, commitment, and consistency, to encourage the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance and to comply with the prevailing laws and regulations and prevent conflict of interest. | |
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab menjelaskan pembagian tugas dan wewenang setiap anggota Direksi dan program peningkatan kompetensi. | The Duties and Responsibilities section stipulates the distribution of duties and authority among each member of the Board of Directors and the related competence enhancement programs. | |
Rapat dan Pelaksanaannya menjelaskan teknis pelaksanaan rapat Direksi yang mencakup pengaturan terkait frekuensi rapat, pemanggilan rapat, dan pemimpin rapat. | The Meeting and Conduct of Business section stipulates the technical procedures for conducting the Board of Directors meetings, covering issues such as meeting frequency, meeting summons, and the chairperson of the meeting. | |
Laporan menjelaskan tanggungjawab Direksi dalam menyusun laporan secara berkala maupun non berkala dalam menjalankan operasional dan strategi Perseroan yang disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris, Pemegang Saham dan Regulator serta para pemangku kepentingan lainnya. | The Report section stipulates the responsibility of the Board of Directors to prepare reports on a regular and non-regular basis regarding the running of the Company's operations and strategy, to be presented to the Board of Commissioners, the Shareholders, the Regulators, and other stakeholders. | |
Kerahasiaan dan Informasi Orang Dalam menjelaskan etika anggota Direksi dalam menjaga kerahasiaan informasi penting sesuai dengan perundang-undangan dan/atau peraturan yang berlaku yang berkaitan dengan Perseroan untuk keuntungan pribadi. | The Confidentiality and Insider Information section stipulates the code of conduct for the Board of Directors in maintaining confidentiality of important information in line with the prevailing laws and regulations related to the Company for personal gain. | |
Evaluasi Kinerja dan Self Assessment menjelaskan penilaian kinerja Direksi berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan dan disetujui oleh Direksi dan pelaksanaan self assessment setiap tahun atau secara periodik yang dipandang perlu. | The Performance Evaluation and Self Assessment section stipulates the performance evaluation of the Board of Directors based on the set criteria approved by the Board of Directors, and the implementation of annual or periodical self assessment as deemed necessary. | |
Ketentuan Lain-Lain menjelaskan pemberlakuan Piagam Direksi, komitmen Direksi dalam mematuhi seluruh ketentuan dalam Piagam serta ketentuan Anggaran Dasar atau ketentuan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang lebih diutamakan jika terdapat ketentuan dalam Piagam Direksi yang bertentangan. | The Miscellaneous Provisions section stipulates the enactment of the Board of Directors Charter, the Board of Directors’ commitment to complying with the provisions in the Charter, and the provisions in the Articles of Association and other laws and regulations that must be prioritized over the provisions in the Board of Directors Charter, should any conflict between the provisions arise. |